Award Winning Doggie Daycare For You
Additional enrichment options include: treadmill time, fetch,
training games and spa time.
Come in and Meet the Team!
We will show you around the facility and tell you about our services!
The Benefits!!
The Benefits are Endless!
Having friends is important to everyone. We provide a safe and interactive place to play! Come experience exceptional pet care, at our Santa Rosa doggie daycare facility!
Dogs Have So Much Fun at Daycare! Here are Some of the Benefits!
- Dogs are able to socialize with other dogs in a pack setting.
- Issues deriving from boredom and loneliness are eliminated.
- Dogs are mentally and physically stimulated, keeping them happy and balanced.
- We help shy and fearful dogs become more confident.
- Puppies learn essential skills needed for socializing safely with dogs outside of the home.

Our Daycare Provides Structured Play and Learning Opportunities!
- Dogs have access to indoor and outdoor play areas.
- Our indoor “all day play” area is climate controlled with rubber mats, trained experienced supervisors in EVERY group to help prevent injuries.
- We have play equipment in both the indoor and outdoor play areas.
- Our play groups are supervised by a trained staff member at all times!
- Staff is formally trained in dog behavior, language, stress, aggression and interactions.
- Dogs are divided into play groups by size and temperament creating a safe environment.
- Our shaded outdoor play area also has doggie pools in the summer to keep pets cool while they are having fun!